Heavy sigh!!!! What can I say about this year except.... it's been a little crazy, hectic, chaotic... umm... think of some other adjectives and I'm sure they'd be appropriate. I really do apologize for my lack of input on this issue. I can only plead... kids, new baby, life.... 'nuff said.

In all honesty, without Elaine, there wouldn't be an issue 8. She did 99.999999999 percent of the work here. So, all kudos to her this year. And I also want to thank her for not hassling me too much (well, not too much, anyway). I'm sure I drove her crazy.

Of course, I have to say thanks to the writers - Cathy, who rose to the occasion and wrote a LOT, Erin, Jane, Bridget, Maura and Gina. Thanks, guys. You're great, as always.

I apologize as well, for the web site being down. My server decided to purge everything and I haven't gotten it posted again. I'm rethinking it anyway. I'm considering going completely electronic with Relativity after this year. I want to post all the back issues on the web site and keep them archived for anyone to download. Then, instead of a yearly issue, we'd just post new stories as we get them. This would be MUCH easier on my life, and I'm sure our foreign readers would love not having to pay that outrageous postage. Keep an eye out for it. You could email either Elaine or me and let us know your opinion on that. We love input.

I want to thank all our faithful readers who've supported Relativity over the last 8 years. It's been wonderful to share our universe with you. I hope we can go on sharing, even if it's in a different medium. And who knows... I may get crazy to write next year and put out another issue anyway. To quote Master Yoda, "Always in motion, is the future."

And once more, I give thanks for my family... Kerry, Devin, Ian, Andrew and Samantha. You're my foundation in everything I do.

Jill Hargan