It's editorial time. I don't suppose Jill will let me get away with just a ditto back to RI and RII (she's like that, you know), so here I go a babbling.
It was so wonderful that we received feedback on the first two zines and a few readers were even inspired to send us story ideas and stories, some of which are included this year. Please feel free to write, either LOC's or stories, in the cousins' vein. Please be aware, though, that Jill and I do edit material that comes in (you should see what I do to Jill's stuff, heh, heh, heh!).
As always, I would like to apologize up front for any typos found in this massive, voluminous zine. We always have lots and lots of people proofing these puppies, but everyone always seems to miss a few... or a lot. Heavy sigh! If you find any problems with pages missing or something along this line, please write and I will send the wayward page, etc. I do a check on each and every zine, but after a while, everything seems to meld together.
I'd like to thank our writers: Abdul, Annita, Becky, (little) Brenda, Eileen, Mariann, Marianne, Maura, Robin, Sharon, and to wish a welcome to our new contributors to this issue. And I have to apologize to those whom I promised another story... Life got away from me... Sorry. Next year, I promise (wait till you see how I maneuver around Jill's objections and get my latest obsession added to the cousin universe... Jill will never know what hit her! Heh, heh, heh!).
I'd like to thank our artists: Annita, (little) Brenda, Mariann, Robin, Roseanne (who got recruited by someone she didn't know in the middle of the Art Room last year) and especially Joy for her swell cover!
And of course, how could we live without our procurer of art, Sharon Dickerson (who was the one who recruited poor Roseanne in the middle of the Art Room last year) and who sits on Mariann and Joy each year to get our other artwork for us.
And a hearty thank you, thank you, thank you to Jill for creating this whole thing to begin with.
Our deadline for the next issue IS December 31, 1994! Submissions will only be accepted after this date with prior agreement (really... I swear... we're gonna stick to it this time... really... I swear... !!!)
Please do not hesitate to give your opinions. We'd love to hear from you. Again, as always, thanks for your patronage. Enjoy.
Elaine Gustainis